Monday, April 20, 2009

Natasya With Friends At TBR Playground

inside the futsal court

How amaze i am to see u making friend with others. U got a lot of friends at the playground. Its so funny when you saw a friend and they suddenly will rise up their hand and shout "Yo!" and you will shout back "Yo!" with a hand up in the air. Woww!! Macam orang besar daa..

I dunno how they know u, but seems all when notice u will say "hi, Natasya..". One more thing, they all love to help and play with u. help? they help u to climb, get off, play, ride, etc. with things at the playground. U, yourself love it there. Everyday is a must for u. U may still not knowing how to say "padang" but u will always pointing up as to refer at it. But clever you, not only point, but u will also said "Nak! Nak! as always.

wah! pandainya posing..

Let me tell u the way u describe things.. (that we luckily manage to understand..)

1. Nak! Nak! refer to whatever things that u want or would like people around to do for you.
2. Ma refer to Mama
3. Ayah
4. Tok
5. Pah refer to Opah
6. Da refer to Mak Su
7. Minum
8. Mam refer to makan
9. Atuh refer to jatuh
10.Ukak refer to bukak
11. U always knock ur head with ur hand. (this is the way u tell that u are hurt.)
12. U love to throw things and will act shock and point to blame others for it. U even say " Ha! Ha!.. isk..isk..naughtynyerr..malu mama..)

p/s : Day by day, im always looking forward for whatever child foolish things u do that sometimes was very unbelievable and bright of u..


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